A.  香港地區捐款   Donation for Hong Kong
1. 劃線支票(抬頭 「雲彩教育及文化交流協會」)
By crossed cheque made payable to “YCECEA Limited”

2. 以現金直接存入本會在香港滙豐銀行的戶口(帳號 “480-303130 001” ),
請將入數紙、姓名及回郵地址寄回 「雲彩教育及文化交流協會」,以便寄發
正式收據,信封封面註明「YCECEA LTD. / 雲彩會收」。

By cash deposit into the Hong Kong Bank account “480-303130 001” of
YCECEA Limited. Please send us the pay-in-slip together with your name and
address. So that we can issue our official receipt later.  

請填妥 回應表 連同支票或入數紙寄回新界沙田源順圍5-7號沙田工業中心B座
Please send the crossed cheque or the pay-in-slip with the REPLY FORM to
“YCECEA Limited”

Unit 4, 3/F., Block B, Shatin Industrial Centre, 5-7 Yuen Shun Circuit, Shatin, N.T.
So that we can issue our official receipt to you.
*All donations of HK$100 or above are Hong Kong tax deductible.

B. 美國地區捐款  Donation for USA

    By cheque made payable to
    (請在支票下角注明捐款是給予 “雲彩會”)
    (In the memo line of the cheque, please specify to “YUN CAI”)

Please send the cheque with the “Reply Form” to “ENTRUST2TRANSFORM”.
1121 Bounty Drive, Foster City, CA 94404, USA (Patrick Tang)

下載 「回應表」 Download “Reply Form”